Unlocking Growth and Efficiency: Capital Market Solutions for the Modern Financial Landscape

Technology-based solutions designed to meet the unique needs and challenges of the capital markets industry. These solutions encompass a range of software applications and platforms that facilitate various activities in capital markets, including trading, risk management, portfolio management, compliance, and reporting.

Trading and Execution Platforms

Facilitated in development of platforms that enable market participants to buy and sell financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, derivatives, and currencies. These platforms offer real-time market data, order routing capabilities, and sophisticated trading tools to facilitate efficient and automated trading processes. They may also integrate with electronic communication networks (ECNs) and provide connectivity to multiple exchanges and liquidity providers.

Risk Management and Analytics

Developed tools which utilize complex algorithms and models to analyse market data, portfolio positions, and historical trends. They provide risk metrics, scenario analysis, stress testing, and valuation capabilities to support informed decision-making and risk mitigation strategies. Risk management solutions also assist in complying with regulatory requirements such as Basel III and Solvency II.

Compliance and Regulatory Reporting

These solutions help market participants adhere to regulations such as MiFID II, Dodd-Frank, EMIR, and others. They assist in automating compliance checks, monitoring for suspicious activities, and generating regulatory reports accurately and efficiently. Compliance modules often include functionalities such as trade surveillance, market abuse detection, insider trading monitoring, and transaction reporting.

Portfolio Management and Analytics

Provide portfolio management and analytics capabilities to asset managers, hedge funds, and institutional investors. These solutions help manage investment portfolios, track performance, analyse asset allocation, and generate comprehensive reports. They may incorporate features such as performance attribution, risk-adjusted return calculations, portfolio optimization, and benchmarking tools. Portfolio management solutions aim to optimize investment strategies, monitor portfolio health, and meet the unique investment objectives of clients


Implemented tools and processes to foster collaboration and communication between development and operations teams.

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Designed to harness the power of cloud computing enabling the customer to build and deploy applications using hybrid-cloud architectures...

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Redesigning API infrastructure with a focus on scalability, flexibility, and seamless integration capabilities.

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